Unit4 Advanced Virtual Assistant ("Ava") allows you to easily set up discussions about tasks with colleagues in Microsoft Teams. Click the Discuss button and Ava will open a Teams channel with selected colleagues.
The team discussion function is available through the Discuss button which is shown in certain Unit4 ERP windows. Once the Discuss button is selected, you are presented with a popup window which allows you to select and confirm the colleagues that will be added to the Microsoft Teams channel. You can also add a message or question to inform participants of the topic of the discussion. Once you are ready, click the Discuss button in the popup window, and Ava will create the Microsoft Teams channel, automatically adding participants and opening the discussion with a welcome message. If a Teams channel has already been created for an item, you will be redirected to the team discussion. For notification settings, adding participants, or creating new channels, follow the usual steps in Microsoft Teams. Please note that Ava is a facilitator of team discussions but not a participant. Chat with Ava must take place within Ava's own dedicated one-to-one chat.
Privacy and data security for team discussions follow the same processes and policies as for Ava in general, which is described in How Ava protects your security and privacy. However, Ava archives team discussions (except for the General channel) and stores them, as attachments to the item that they were created from, in Document archive in ERP. Each channel is archived in its own document. Deleted channels, deleted content, images and other attachments will not be archived. A team discussion is archived when it has been inactive for 7 days. Ava will notify participants 2 days before a discussion is archived. In order to postpone archival, continue the discussion as normal and Ava will restart the 7-day-inactivity countdown. Team discussions are archived as PDF attachments to the item they were created from and stored in Document archive in ERP.